Location: Kingsley Ave., 1st Ave., 2nd Ave., 3rd Ave. Asbury Park, NJ
Project Value: $925,000
Owner: I-Star Financial
Project included demolition and reconstruction of 2-1/2 city blocks including all demolition of existing infrastructure, asphalt, concrete pavement, curb, sidewalks, storm drainage, crushing of all demolition materials and re-using recycled material for roadway reconstruction. Utility construction included 1500 LF of Concrete Storm Drainage pipe, Sanitary Sewer Mains and all cable, electric and phone conduit as well as cable manholes, 30 ton electrical vault replacement. Roadway Improvements included new concrete curbing & sidewalks and new asphalt pavement. Entire project with exception of electrical work was self-performed by Burke Contracting, LLC forces. Project was substantially completed 2 weeks ahead of schedule.